The Association « Les Sarmentelles de Beaujeu » aims to promote the Pays Beaujolais on the occasion of the release of Beaujolais Nouveaux, by organizing a big party in the third week of November. It has been bringing together Winegrowers and Beaujolais for several decades around the values of sharing and conviviality, dear to our Region. 300 volunteers work throughout the year to organize this festive week and receive wine lovers from all over the world.
President : Alain LAFOREST
Vice -President : Anne-Dominique ATHIMON, Marlène CHOPINOT, Eric RESTIER
Honorary President : Daniel BULLIAT
Secretary & Accountancy Marie-Thérèse MAITRE
Assistant Secretary : Sylvie ALIGNE
Techniciens :
Maurice GRANDJEAN, Gérard MAITRE, Michel HORNOY, Michel BOUVET, Jean-Noël AILLOUD, Denise DUPRE
Officers accompanied by:
Franck BALLANDRAS, Frédéric BAUDET, Gaëtane BRENDLER, Marine BULLIAT, Marie-Noëlle BURGAUD, Marie-Paule DESCHAMPS, Jean-Luc DUCRUIX, Christine DUPRÉ, Cyrille DUVERNAY, Séverine DUVERNAY, Fabrice FERRER, Catherine FERRER, Jean-Paul GAUTHIER, Valérie JACQUET, Johanne LABRUYERE, Nicolas MORIN, Louis-Paul ROTIVAL, Paul CHAMPAGNON, Gabriel DESCHAMPS, Jean-Jacques MORAZZANI
Programming 2025 in progress
Discover our daily program and organize your visit !
Place de l’Hôtel de Ville
17h00 à 21h30
Centre village
Place de l’Hôtel de Ville
Promenade des Sarmentelles
Théâtre – Place de l’Hôtel de Ville
19h00 à 22h00
Salle du stade
Place de l’Hôtel de Ville